Out With the Old Frame System, In With the New Traxx Frame System
A problem I have when calling potential clients to introduce our Traxx Frame System for their fleet of box trucks or trailers is my “competition”. As a result of some bad experiences with other non-comparable systems provided by our competitors, getting potential clients to try our Traxx system is sometimes hard. They’ve experience zip ties,
There are other non-comparable systems being sold making it hard for me to get the potential client to try the Traxx Frame, as a result of a bad experience with one of our competitors, such as: Zip Ties, Double Sided Tape, Rivet Systems, etc. I love hearing our competitors say how their systems are easy to change when in fact could take hours to change one (1) side, time is money! Another place I run into my “competitors” system is when I am driving and I see their banners flapping so bad I can’t even read the message.
Most recently, one of my premier clients made the change to the Traxx Frame System, as they added trucks to their fleet and decided to give our Frame System a test. After the pilot test was complete they ended up making switch to us! A Frame is not a wrap, the Traxx Frame is designed for your advertising, turning your fleet into a changeable rolling billboard!
Why? Advertising Trucks offers a unique approach to truck advertising enabling businesses to leverage the features of the World’s #1 frame system, including but not limited to, the flexibility to quickly and cost effectively change their advertising message. Our goal is to help you move from a simple branded look, to a more sales oriented approach; one that drives revenue!
By: Brian “B Hop” Hopton