Fleet Graphic Content: Traditional Vehicle Wraps Versus A Changeable Truck Billboard System!
Should the information be the same? At first, the answer appears to be yes. The graphic content for your changeable graphics would be the same as the traditional vehicle wraps. However, when you really think about it, there should and will be some common elements but they are really very different products and should be used accordingly.
I have four very simple rules regarding traditional vehicle wrap content: Who you are, what you do, how to get a hold of you and assume people are stupid! WHO YOU ARE? Your logo should dominate the design. It should be where all eyes gravitate first. WHAT YOU DO! Say it, very clearly. HOW TO GET A HOLD OF YOU! Very visible website and phone number (I included the phone number even though I think they may even be worthless this day and age). ASSUME PEOPLE ARE STUPID! Don’t assume people know about your business and what you do. Even though it is very clear to you and those closest to you, it may not be to the rest of us. Following these rules keeps your traditional vehicle wrap simple yet very effective.
When it comes to a changeable truck billboard system for your fleet, these same rules apply but you must keep something else very important in mind. The graphics are changeable and reusable. You can brand AND offer. You still want to let people know who you are, what you do and how to get a hold of you but you must make the message relevant to the time. Are you running a price special? Are you introducing a new product? Is there seasonality in your business? What are you CURRENTLY promoting in your other advertising? It is very powerful to be able to reflect this on your rent free billboards. It’s traditional vehicle wraps with a cherry on top! Trust me, if traditional vehicle wraps could be changed and reused quickly, easily and cost-effectively, they would be. NEWS FLASH….the Advertising Trucks Traxx billboard system CAN and your company should take advantage of it as soon as possible.